Scott Mccloud’s 24 hour comics challenge in Austin, TX

Scott McCloud is a guy that challenged himself to write, draw, ink, and color a comic book in 24 hours. And he did! Good for him.

Ever since that day in August of 1990, art nerds have been challenging themselves to make a comic in 24 hours... the first Saturday of October. Okay, whatever nerds.

Can you do it? Can you bust out a comic in 24 hours? The answer is yes. It's not that hard if you lower your standards.

Really, the event is an excuse for grown-ass adults to have an art lock-in with their fwendz. Dear Diary will be staying open overnight so that all y'all artsy folk can draw into the wee hours. We'll have pizza. We'll have... slap bracelets? Ninja turtles? Who knows!?

So! RSVP now to snag a spot. I only have so many tables, as you know. And then bring your sketchbook October 1st. You can come as soon as we open Saturday morning at 7am and draw clear 'til Sunday morning. At 7am Sunday morning, we’ll ring a bell and share what we’ve come up with!

All ages welcome, but kids need to be accompanied by an adult at all times.


Austin Studio Tour 2022 – Creative Cuties x Dear Diary Coffee Stop


Short Story Contest #2